Thursday 13 March 2014

Catch Latest Android Apps 2014

 Technology is increasing very frequently and people are getting absorbed by it badly. Today everything is done in a click via computer on web. On web you can connect entire world in a sec. Along with internet latest apps and phones are also launched.

For your iPhone check out latest android apps launched this year 2014. Android is already absorbed the world. On web there are numbers of blogs reveal information about particular niche according to the audience’s interest. To get latest news and tech updates Apps This is the best place. You can have a glance on few latest android apps 2014 by Apps This.

This is a paid app by Alex Miller. Influx is pretty much secured app. In this app you can more than 600 semi rounded icons with a toned down colour palette and long-shadow, plus wallpapers that are no joke as well. This app customize your iPhone as you get icon pack which includes wallpapers, a few Zooper skins to go with it all, and even a Widgetlocker theme.

This is a free app used by millions of people. AcDisplay app workson any Android 4.4 “Kit Kat” device. This app is very easy to configure and simple to use. It is very time saving and provide great amount of convenience.

Type Machine
This is an amazing Android app having great features. This app is paid and become ons of the favourite app of users. This app can be installed on any android device. This is very secured app and explain your write ups.

These are some latest Android apps of this year 2014. Apps This is a technical blog reveal information about latest news and technical updates such as latest iPhone launches, Smartphone, software, apps and other such. To get more technical updates visit our Apps This now!